Application for Garden Plot
- Available garden plots are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Applicants must be 18 year or older.
- An application form must be completed in person at a monthly meeting of the MCGA.
- Applicants are assigned a number and must be present and identify themselves at monthly MCGA meetings to affirm their continued interest in a garden plot.
- All waitlisted applicants cannot miss three (3) consecutive meetings, or will be removed from waitlist. Please check in with an officer to note your attendance.
- Applicants must be present at a monthly meeting of the MCGA to be assigned a garden.
Plot Assignments (updated 01/09/2025)
Available Plots
Gardener Transfer List
C-7 |
Applicant Waitlist
#629 #636 #639 #641 #645 #646 #648 #651 #652 #653 #654 #655 #656 #659 #660 #661 #662 #663 #649 #664 |